Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ingrid Michaelson - Girls & Boys

If Ingrid Michaelson's Girls & Boys album is ever pressed on vinyl, this is what I want it to look like:

ingrid- cover
ingrid- back
I blended photographs from two of my favorite flickr photographers, fieryeyed and maplesyruponly. And if your gonna press vinyl, make it colored!
I made an actual hard copy of this (spray painted vinyl and all) to see how it looked, but it's gone and vanished. Sad. I wanted to bring it when I saw Ingrid at the Social but I forgot.


  1. So good!
    I remember when you learned the magic of blending modes in Owen Mundy's design class. They really do work wonders. Good times.

  2. mmm ... makes me want some iced tea ... what's that font?

  3. fontleroy brown & little lord fontleroy on dafont.com. Weeeee freee!

  4. These colors are wonderful. Esp. that teal vinyl.

  5. That looks so amazing! You are very talented.
